Ark of the Covenant, King Solomon, Knights Templar, Wealth

Was King Solomon An Archetype?

If you will remember in the previous post Biblical Old Testament researcher and archaeologist Lon Dequette, author of The Key to Solomon’s Key, stated that Solomon was probably NOT a real person but an ARCHETYPE. Again you can get this ebook FREE on the Net like I did.

Also Lon thinks that he knows why the Roman Catholic Church gave such amazing latitude to my ancestors THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Normally a knighthood like THE TEMPLARS would have still been under the thumb of the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope.

NOT THE TEMPLARS! They were given a blank check by the Pope and Church for close to 200 YEARS! They used this time and opportunity to amass the GREATEST wealth seen since the time of King Solomon! They built the mega churches like Chartres where I and others believe they hid THE ARK OF THE COVENANT. They control the seas with their ships. They created CAPITALISM as we know it today. They were the money lenders to kings and The Church.

So what allowed them to do this?

Lon believes that when the NINE knights came to Jerusalem (that would become THE TEMPLARS) they discovered something that would shake the Roman Catholic Church, Judaism and even the Moslems empires up leading to chaos and possible demise of all three!

Lon believes that they found that the patriarchs of the Old Testaments were NOT real people like Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, King David and King Solomon to name a few! They were only ARCHETYPES! If you don’t know what an ARCHETYPE is Google it!

I reserve my judgement on his findings which are based on the FACT that NO archaeological items have been found that would have been used by these patriarchs!

Next post I will tell you how Lon believes someone or ARCHETYPE could have built King Solomon’s Temple and Palace.

Hugh Simpson

Ark of the Covenant, God, King Solomon, Knights Templar

Did Solomon REALLY Exists?

I know that may be a STARTLING headline and thought but over the last week I have been reading an e-book I discovered on the Net by Lon Milo Dequette entitled The Key to Solomon’s Key which you can easily find and get for FREE yourself.

He is a Master Mason and a CREDIBLE authority on my ancestors THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR where he agrees that the TEMPLARS that escaped from The Inquisition and burning at the stake made it out of France and went to my homeland SCOTLAND. He also says that one of the ORIGINAL NINE Templars had also been in SCOTLAND and had ties already to ROSELYN CHAPEL, where some believe THE ARK OF THE COVENANT is hidden.

Lon is also a Biblical scholar and archaeologist concerning THE OLD TESTAMENT. He says that to the present day there has been NO archaeological evidence of King Solomon’s Temple or Palace! NONE of the numerous items mentioned in Chronicles has EVER been discovered! For Lon King Solomon as you and I know him did NOT exist!

Well that is an EYE OPENER! Of course I remember when many of these same scholars and archaeologists said NOAH’S ARK was a fable with NO evidence of its existence. Now the remnants of what appears to be NOAH’S ARK has been found on top of a mountain! Ditto for THE WALLS OF JERICHO that JOSHUA was suppose to have caused to fall with his blowing of the trumpets! That wall evidently has been found and if I remember correctly was wide enough for several chariots to ride abreast!

So even if King Solomon’s Temple and Palace have not been found along with the numerous artifacts mentioned in Chronicles, I reserve final judgement as to Lon’s supposition that King Solomon did NOT exist! He even so boldly states that many of the prominent Old Testament people did not really exist: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and King David! Again he basis it on ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE NOT BEING FOUND!

More in next post of what Lon does believe which could be way far out to many of you!

Hugh Simpson


The Trillionaire Part 12


As a former CBS News reporter I believe in dealing ONLY in FACTS!

I am now going to prove during the next series of posts that King Solomon was a TRILLIONAIRE based on the description of the wealth of Solomon discussed in the Old Testament.

In 1 Kings 4:20-34 we get a description of the lands and people that Solomon ruled over and required the paying of tribute. His kingdom included all the nations from the Euphrates River to Philistia and the Egyptian border. The Old Testament says that the people of these nations paid him taxes for his entire long life!

Just to run Solomon’s palace they needed a huge supply of items including 150 bushels of fine flour, 300 bushels of meal, 10 stall-fed cattle, 20 pasture-fed cattle and 100 sheep DAILY! His stables that were mentioned above had 40,000 stalls for his chariot horses and 12,000 cavalry horses. Each of his 12 governors was responsible for supplying the food for King Solomon and the people who ate in his palace. In addition each governor was required to supply his share of barley and straw for the chariot horses and work animals.

As you will remember King Solomon promised God he would build God a marvelous temple to house the holiest relic of all – the Ark of the Covenant. In 1 Kings 5, Solomon begins the preparation for this temple that God had told Solomon’s father, King David, Solomon would build for God. This temple could not be an ordinary temple but had to be the greatest ever build to the glory of God!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson

Biblical Millionaires, God, King Solomon, Knights Templar, Wealth

The Trillionaire Part 1

Today we begin to do an in depth study of my favorite GOD LOVES WEALTH Old Testament mentor – KING SOLOMON!

I have done extensive research on SOLOMON for my new ebook coming out The Trillionaire & The Knights Templar. I am a descendant of the Scottish Knights Templar.

You see the original Knights Templar were 9 knights from Europe, who it is strongly rumored found a old ancient scroll like the Dead Sea Scrolls that told directly where the ARK OF THE COVENANT was located!

They were very bright nobility who needed a reason to go to Jerusalem where the scroll told where the ARK OF THE COVENANT was hidden.

Actually they easily found that reason – the protection of Christians making the Holy Pilgrimage to the Holy Lands!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson

Biblical Millionaires, God, Wealth

Moses The Millionaire

Yes as mentioned before Moses was one of the Old Testament MILLIONAIRES.

I first learned about MOSES THE MILLIONAIRE more than 40 years ago after reading Catherine Ponder’s classic Millionaires of the Bible.

Here are some observation by Ms. Ponder:

1. Moses learned SUBSTANCE is the basis for ALL WEALTH.

Remember in the previous post we looked at definitions of WEALTH. They discussed mostly PHYSICAL properties and these have SUBSTANCE.

2. Moses learned an APPRECIATION of wealth is needed.

Remember he grew up SURROUNDED by WEALTH in the Pharaoh’s palace. We need to APPRECIATE wealth like other MILLIONAIRES in the Old Testament did. They did NOT condemn and bad mouth WEALTH! They THANKED GOD for it!

3. Moses learn it is necessary to dwell upon SUBSTANCE to maintain it.

It does NOT mean you WORSHIP and live ONLY for money; however it does mean you GUARD and WATCH OVER it!

Remember the parable Jesus told about the talents? He CONDEMNED the man who buried his talent! We are to USE wealth NOT hoard it!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson

Biblical Millionaires, God, Wealth


This site is a social experiment that I have created to demonstrate to the world that GOD LOVES WEALTH!

If God didn’t intend for His people to be WEALTHY, why do we have find SO many WEALTHY people in especially the Old Testament like Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David and my favorite the ONE and ONLY TRILLIONAIRE – King Solomon!

Through out the future posts I am going to share with you more about these MILLIONAIRES, MULTI-MILLIONAIRES and my favorite THE TRILLIONAIRE!

Also through this site and future endeavors it is my goal to show how we NO longer need PHYSICAL places for worshipping GOD! The Net works just as nice and reaches a FAR LARGER group! If we do want to meet in PHYSICAL places there are UNLIMITED avenues like camp outs, micro-breweries, the beach, restaurants, MeetUp groups and HOMES like the Apostles did with Jesus! UNLIMITED!

Also you will NEVER find me asking for ONE PENNY to run this ministry! Instead I want you to find a person, persons, group, cause, etc. and give to it! I did not start this ministry to make a LIVING!

I am firmly convinced GOD has called me to this ministry!

Hugh Simpson
