Biblical Millionaires, God, Wealth

Moses The Millionaire

Yes as mentioned before Moses was one of the Old Testament MILLIONAIRES.

I first learned about MOSES THE MILLIONAIRE more than 40 years ago after reading Catherine Ponder’s classic Millionaires of the Bible.

Here are some observation by Ms. Ponder:

1. Moses learned SUBSTANCE is the basis for ALL WEALTH.

Remember in the previous post we looked at definitions of WEALTH. They discussed mostly PHYSICAL properties and these have SUBSTANCE.

2. Moses learned an APPRECIATION of wealth is needed.

Remember he grew up SURROUNDED by WEALTH in the Pharaoh’s palace. We need to APPRECIATE wealth like other MILLIONAIRES in the Old Testament did. They did NOT condemn and bad mouth WEALTH! They THANKED GOD for it!

3. Moses learn it is necessary to dwell upon SUBSTANCE to maintain it.

It does NOT mean you WORSHIP and live ONLY for money; however it does mean you GUARD and WATCH OVER it!

Remember the parable Jesus told about the talents? He CONDEMNED the man who buried his talent! We are to USE wealth NOT hoard it!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson


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