Ark of the Covenant, King Solomon, Knights Templar, Wealth

Was King Solomon An Archetype?

If you will remember in the previous post Biblical Old Testament researcher and archaeologist Lon Dequette, author of The Key to Solomon’s Key, stated that Solomon was probably NOT a real person but an ARCHETYPE. Again you can get this ebook FREE on the Net like I did.

Also Lon thinks that he knows why the Roman Catholic Church gave such amazing latitude to my ancestors THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Normally a knighthood like THE TEMPLARS would have still been under the thumb of the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope.

NOT THE TEMPLARS! They were given a blank check by the Pope and Church for close to 200 YEARS! They used this time and opportunity to amass the GREATEST wealth seen since the time of King Solomon! They built the mega churches like Chartres where I and others believe they hid THE ARK OF THE COVENANT. They control the seas with their ships. They created CAPITALISM as we know it today. They were the money lenders to kings and The Church.

So what allowed them to do this?

Lon believes that when the NINE knights came to Jerusalem (that would become THE TEMPLARS) they discovered something that would shake the Roman Catholic Church, Judaism and even the Moslems empires up leading to chaos and possible demise of all three!

Lon believes that they found that the patriarchs of the Old Testaments were NOT real people like Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, King David and King Solomon to name a few! They were only ARCHETYPES! If you don’t know what an ARCHETYPE is Google it!

I reserve my judgement on his findings which are based on the FACT that NO archaeological items have been found that would have been used by these patriarchs!

Next post I will tell you how Lon believes someone or ARCHETYPE could have built King Solomon’s Temple and Palace.

Hugh Simpson

Ark of the Covenant, God, King Solomon, Knights Templar, Wealth

The Trillionaire Part 10

Yes I am off sabbatical ready to share with you the continuing saga of the Knights Templar and The Ark of the Covenant!

We had determined the Ark had been whisked away from Chartres Cathedral mostly likely on a cart as depicted in the left side of the photo below. There is even writing that mentions something to that effect there.


My ancestors, the Templars, had to find a new home for it. Research has shown that the Templars were good friends of a very unlikely ally that was located in Africa – a QUEEN of what is now known as LIBERIA which is figuring so prominently in world news today because of the Ebola epidemic.

I think they came to know this queen depicted below when they were in Jerusalem protecting the Holy Land pilgrims. The Templars could have met her through their Muslim contacts before the Crusades.


If this is true and my research says it is then the Indiana Jones movie was not so far off base! I also believe that Adolf Hitler knew what we are talking about and went in search of the Ark.

My research and intuition from God says it is still buried in ruins of a temple in Liberia. It is my plan to launch a journey to Liberia using sophisticated technology that just might show the secret hiding place of the Ark and return it to its right home of Israel! If God wants this to happen then God will open all the doors!

Next post we will begin to discuss how King Solomon became The Trillionaire and it has EVERYTHING to do with the ARK OF THE COVENANT!

Hugh Simpson

Ark of the Covenant, Knights Templar

The Trillionaire Part 5

In the previous post we learned that my ancestors, the Knights Templar, found what they had come to Jerusalem for – THE ARK OF THE COVENANT!

So now they needed to get it out of Jerusalem and the only real way required sending it over the sea to Europe.

Now some Ark scholars believe it was lost during the journey across the sea. I do not believe that for one minute!

I have found good solid research to show that it wound up in secreted away in this Cathedral below – Chartres


You might ask why the Knights Templar were so secretive about both finding THE ARK OF THE COVENANT and hiding it. Research shows that the Knights Templar did NOT trust the Roman Catholic Church and as you will learn later that was for a good reason.

Yes they were working for the Church as protectors of the pilgrims to the Holy Lands and also later in the Crusades but smartly they had the intuition NOT to trust the Roman Catholic Church!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson

Ark of the Covenant, King Solomon, Knights Templar, Wealth

The Trillionaire Part 4

As I mentioned in the previous post the Knights Templar seem to know that King Solomon’s HORSE STABLES held the buried treasure – THE ARK OF THE COVENANT!

So when they were not protecting the pilgrims in Jerusalem they were busy digging up the stables. Now you have to remember these stables were HUGE in size. So I am sure it took MONTHS to finally hit the jackpot!

All research says they found THE ARK OF THE COVENANT and now it was time to figure how they were going to get it out of Jerusalem!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson

Biblical Millionaires, God, King Solomon, Knights Templar, Wealth

The Trillionaire Part 2

Continuing where we left off in the last blog post the 9 knights from Europe met with King Baldwin of Jerusalem to offer their services of protecting the pilgrims in the Holy Land. He was pleased and accepted their offer.

He offered them sleeping quarters in King Solomon’s palace area but they asked the king if they could stay in the area that had been King Solomon’s STABLES for his thousands of horses and chariots.

I am sure Baldwin was stunned that these knights of nobility only wanted to be staying in HORSE STABLES! However the knights had covered themselves well by saying that since they had taken the VOW OF POVERTY it would look out of place to be staying in the more luxurious palace area. I am sure Baldwin saw their logic and agreed.

Of course the 9 nights who became the Knights Templar had VERY good reason to stay there!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson

Biblical Millionaires, God, King Solomon, Knights Templar, Wealth

The Trillionaire Part 1

Today we begin to do an in depth study of my favorite GOD LOVES WEALTH Old Testament mentor – KING SOLOMON!

I have done extensive research on SOLOMON for my new ebook coming out The Trillionaire & The Knights Templar. I am a descendant of the Scottish Knights Templar.

You see the original Knights Templar were 9 knights from Europe, who it is strongly rumored found a old ancient scroll like the Dead Sea Scrolls that told directly where the ARK OF THE COVENANT was located!

They were very bright nobility who needed a reason to go to Jerusalem where the scroll told where the ARK OF THE COVENANT was hidden.

Actually they easily found that reason – the protection of Christians making the Holy Pilgrimage to the Holy Lands!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson
