King Solomon, Knights Templar, Wealth

LAZINESS & King Solomon

Yes King Solomon was also adamantly against LAZY people and today he would have been appalled at the USA’s welfare system! Here are some quotes directly from Proverbs.

“Lazy people should learn a lesson from the way ants live. They have no leader, chief, or ruler, but store up their food during the summer, getting ready for the winter. How long is a lazy man going to lie around? When is he going to get up? ‘I’ll just take a short nap,’ he says; ‘I’ll fold my hands and rest a while.’ But while he sleeps, poverty will attack him like an armed robber.” (Proverbs 6: 6-11)

“Being lazy will make your poor, but hard work will make you rich.” (Proverbs 10:4)

“A sensible person gathers the crops when they are ready; it is a disgrace to sleep through the time of harvest.” (Proverbs 10:5)

“Never get a lazy person to do something for you; he will be as irritating as vinegar on your teeth or smoke in your eyes.” (Proverbs 10:26)

“Lazy people will never have money, but aggressive people will get rich.” (Proverbs 11:16)

So KING SOLOMON would have been pleased with DONALD TRUMP! Also he would have had no problems with my ancestors the Templars in their aggressive approach to wealth that produced the first financial and capitalistic system in Europe.

“Hard work will give you power; being lazy will make you a slave.” (Proverbs 12:24)

“If you are lazy, you will never get what you are after, but if you work hard, you will get a fortune.” (Proverbs 12:27)

“No matter how much a lazy person may want something, he will NEVER (my emphasis) get it.” (Proverbs 13:4)

Hugh Simpson


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