
The Trillionaire Part 12


As a former CBS News reporter I believe in dealing ONLY in FACTS!

I am now going to prove during the next series of posts that King Solomon was a TRILLIONAIRE based on the description of the wealth of Solomon discussed in the Old Testament.

In 1 Kings 4:20-34 we get a description of the lands and people that Solomon ruled over and required the paying of tribute. His kingdom included all the nations from the Euphrates River to Philistia and the Egyptian border. The Old Testament says that the people of these nations paid him taxes for his entire long life!

Just to run Solomon’s palace they needed a huge supply of items including 150 bushels of fine flour, 300 bushels of meal, 10 stall-fed cattle, 20 pasture-fed cattle and 100 sheep DAILY! His stables that were mentioned above had 40,000 stalls for his chariot horses and 12,000 cavalry horses. Each of his 12 governors was responsible for supplying the food for King Solomon and the people who ate in his palace. In addition each governor was required to supply his share of barley and straw for the chariot horses and work animals.

As you will remember King Solomon promised God he would build God a marvelous temple to house the holiest relic of all – the Ark of the Covenant. In 1 Kings 5, Solomon begins the preparation for this temple that God had told Solomon’s father, King David, Solomon would build for God. This temple could not be an ordinary temple but had to be the greatest ever build to the glory of God!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson
