Biblical Millionaires, God, Wealth

Lessons Moses Learned

Besides being SURROUNDED and IMMERSED in WEALTH, Moses learned some other valuable lessons.

First and FOREMOST Moses learned to TRUST in GOD! This was put to the test before the Pharaoh, fleeing Egypt and then wandering in the wilderness. We all have our WILDERNESS EXPERIENCES on a DAILY basis but in order to SURVIVE and grow STRONG we have to put our TRUST in GOD!

Second Moses learned that GOD was his ONLY Source! It was not the Pharaoh but GOD! In fact GOD acting through Moses made the Pharaoh tremble like a wimp!

While fleeing and especially when they reached the sea the Israelites were a constant pain in the ass for Moses! They whined and cried out that Moses was leading them to their deaths as the Pharaoh and his troops chased them into the parted sea!

Even after seeing what GOD did to the Pharaoh and his army later the Israelites began to whine and cry out as they crossed the desert.

And when Moses went up to meet with GOD they decided a bunch of metal idols were their Source instead of the LIVING GOD!

Yes I truly believe GOD LOVES WEALTH so long as YOU realize that you MUST trust in GOD and know GOD is your ONLY Source!

Hugh Simpson
